स्याउको बारेमा केही रोचक जानकारी

1. The science of apple cultivation is known as Pomology.

2. If you threw an apple in water, it wouldn't sink – apples float in water! This is because 25% of their volume consists of air.

3. Apples are said to have originated from a region between the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea.

4. China produces the largest amount of apples in the world. 

5. Apple trees have a life of over 100 years.

6. Apples can help you improve your memory.

8. A medium sized apple has contained 4 grams of fiber 

9. The daily requirement of fiber is 25 grams. Apples are amongst the highest sources of fiber.

10. Apples are cholesterol-free, sodium-free and fat-free.

11. In the Chinese culture, the word for apples is pronounced as ‘ping’ which also stands for peace. This is why apples are a popular gift to give when visiting someone in China.

12. Isaac Newton is said to have discovered the Law of Gravity when an apple fell on his head.

13. It is generally agreed that apples originated from Kazakhstan.

14. The Apple Macintosh was named so as it was the favorite apple of the head of the team that created the computer, Jef Raskin.

15. Millions saw the apple fall, but Newton was the one who asked why." - Bernard M. Baruch 

16. Apples are one of the most popular juices taken with breakfast in the United States.

17. Humans have been eating apples for a while now – from as far as 6500 BC

18. Eating an apple before bed can help cleanse your teeth and is said to be able to whiten your teeth.

19. The Roman Goddess Pomona is the goddess of apples.


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