दिमागको बारेमा केही रोचक जानकारी

1. There are over 100,000 miles of blood vessels in your brain.

If you pulled all yours out you could stretch them round the earth over 4 times. Unfortunately, you’d die and wouldn't be around to see your amazing feat, but you probably would make the Darwin Awards and that’s no mean achievement.

2. Very strangely you are about 4 times more likely to marry somebody with the same last name as yourself than someone who has a different name.

Your brain just loves continuity and it loves familiarity, so even though you may consciously think your partners name had zero to do with you falling in love and it was really their perfectly formed personality, you’d be wrong.

3. You’re 40 – 60% more likely to buy food you can reach out and touch than food somebody describes to you or places behind a glass counter.

That’s why the old fashioned sweet trolleys really do generate more sales and top restaurants know this.

4.Your sensory system sends about 11 million bits of information to your unconscious brain per second. However, the conscious part of your brain is not aware of more than 16 to 50 of those bits and the lightweight can only deal adequately with about 4.

5.You’re completely unaware of about 95% of the activity that is going on inside your brain. If you weren’t your brain would freeze up quicker than a Windows PC running ME

6.You’re far more likely to give a large tip to a waiter or waitress if it’s a sunny day because the chemicals released by your brain because of the sunshine make you feel happier and more generous.

7.If you exercise your brain with puzzles, memory games and reading self development blogs etc you can continue to grow new neurons all your life.  Unfortunately most people don’t know this and thus presume aging equals cognitive decline and create a self fulfilling prophesy.

8.Your brain doesn’t want you trying to fly when you’re asleep shortly after you went to see Spiderman at the movies, so in effect it paralyses your body with a hormone designed to keep you from living out your dreams and dying a splattery death.

9. A piece of brain tissue the size of a grain of sand contains approximately 100,000 neurons and 1 billion synapses.

10.What you eat effects the efficiency of your brain. A study of New York students showed that those who ate food filled with additives and artificial flavors were out performed by about 14% by those who ate more healthily.

11.If you get really angry your limbic system has taken over your critical thinking and it can actually become literally impossible to access higher reasoning.

Which is why some people can go postal and nothing anybody can say can calm them down.

Fortunately, if you remove the source of their anger the Limbic system returns to normal after about 20 minutes. So don’t count to 10 when you’re mad, count to 1,200.

12.It’s possible to be blind at a conscious level, but your brain is still able to see at an unconscious level. This is a phenomenon called Blindsight and has stopped many a blind person avoiding an open man hole cover much to their amazement (presuming somebody told them that is)


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