आपको बारेमा केही रोचक जानकारी

1.Top Mango exporters are India, Pakistan, Puerto Rico, Mexico, Brazil, Israel, South Africa and Peru.

2. Mangoes can range from 2 - 10 inches in length.

3. Only 10 percent of all mangoes are grown in the United States.

4. Mangoes are available late December through August.

5. Mangoes should be eaten when soft, and will ripen at room temperature.

6. Mangos are an excellent source of vitamins A and C, and for those who are physically active, whether working out or constantly on the go, mangos are a great way to replenish that lost potassium

7. There are over 20 million metric tons of mangos grown throughout the tropical and sub-tropical world. The leading mango producer is India, with very little export as most are consumed within the country. Mexico and China compete for second place, followed by Pakistan and Indonesia. Thailand, Nigeria, Brazil, Philippines and Haiti follow in order.

8. In the Hindu culture hanging fresh mango leaves outside the front door during Ponggol (Hindu New Year) and Deepavali is considered a blessing to the house.

9. A mango stored at 55 degrees F will last for up to two weeks.
You must not refrigerate a mango.

10. Did you know 1 cup of mango has just 107 calories and provides 25% of the Daily Value for Vitamin A??


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