The facts about AIDS

AIDS can affect anybody, including you. It is important to know the facts about AIDS. so that you can protect yourself and the ones you love, from catching this disease. AIDS stand for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. it is caused by HIV {Human Immune Deficiency Virus} . HIV lives in the body fluids of an infected person such as SIEMEN, VAGINAL, SECRETIONS, BLOOD AND BLOOD PRODUCTS. HIV enters your body through 4 ways SEX with an infected person .{use condom} Sharing infected needless /syringes{sterilized needless} Use of infected blood/blood products. From infected mother to child. You can prevent HIV Infection: A void casual sex, stick to one uninfected partners. Do not share needles or syringes. Use only. Use only “HIV FREE” Certified blood. Avoid pregnancy if infected. Use condoms.



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